Dear Parishioners,

The month of May is upon us and a lot of things are happening. May is the month of Mary and the Rosary; it is also the month that we celebrate Mother’s Day, which is this weekend. As I think about Mary, I think of her life being the Mother of Jesus, but also our Mother and the Mother of the Church as she gave birth to Jesus. We think of all she went through - leaving her home to go to Bethlehem with Joseph while pregnant, fleeing to Egypt as Herod tries to kill baby Jesus, Jesus staying behind in the Temple during the Holy Days at the age of 12, and seeing Her son die on the cross. A lot for a mother to go through. Yet, she gives mothers today strength to deal with their daily lives, good and bad. Through it all she said YES to God and accepted His plan for her. This month of May and Mother’s Day, let us give thanks to God for Mary in our lives and for her example to all of us to follow Mary and saying YES as she did.

Today is Mother’s Day, a day we need to honor mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, foster mothers, and women in general for all of the hard work in nurturing and caring for children. I remember women in my life and all that they did to care for me by being loving, caring, forgiving (even thought I was an ANGEL, and never did anything wrong. HAHAHA). Even though my mother has been gone for some 15 years, I still love her, respect her, and thank her for all she did for me and for being a good example for me to live my life, and being of service to others as she was. So, whether your mother is living or deceased, take some time to remember and thank them for all they have done for you. Some of you might buy candy, flowers, a gift, gift cards, or take her out for a special meal. I think the main thing is to say, “THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO FOR ME” and “THANK YOU FOR BEING MY MOTHER” and “I LOVE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE.” HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!

A Short Prayer for Mothers - Blessed Mother Mary, we ask that you bless mothers who gifted us with life. Please console them in sorrow and disappointment, give them a sense of safety and assurance, and relieve them of all anxiety. We are grateful for their sacrifice and ask that you grant them joy, peace, health, and happiness. We thank them for all they have done for us. Amen.


The parish has hired a new Operations Director, David Sullivan. He started work on May 3rd and will be working full time for both the parish and the school. He will be telling us about himself in the upcoming bulletin.

Also, our Administrators, Fr. Dennis and Fr. Ryan, are in the process of forming a finance council for the parish. They will be meeting this month. Please keep them in prayer as they start this new process.

About two weeks ago Mr. Rob and the Window Company installed air conditioners in the Homan Building. I was there last week when it was hot and the classroom had it on and they cooled the whole room. The students were very happy. The teachers and the students thank you!

On May 1st our school had their May Crowing at their school Mass in church. Our 8th grade students and our 1st communion class came in dresses and suits to crown our Blessed Mother. On this past Thursday our 8th graders received their class ribbons. They are looking forward to graduation on June 3rd.

Many things to look forward to during this month of May. Don’t forget about the end of Religious Education classes on May 18th, and soon the end of the school year.


Peace and Blessing!

Fr. Wayne Svida
Associate Pastor of St. Christina Parish

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